

Ab 5,53 € Normalpreis 6,50 €
Inkl. 20% MwSt.

Fish·Mix™ has always been a loyal friend to gardeners because it conditions substrates to stimulate bacterial flora and accelerate growth.

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Fish·Mix™ has always been a loyal friend to gardeners because it conditions substrates to stimulate bacterial flora and accelerate growth.

It is an infusion of organic fish emulsion from the North Sea mixed together with extract of Dutch sugar beet.

Fish·Mix™ boosts growth of all living organisms in the substrate, as well as improving and stimulating production of microorganisms and useful bacteria in every type of soil and coco-based substrates.

Poor quality soil is transformed into rich and fat soil after a few days of use, providing plants with natural minerals. Following the requirements of organic farming,

Fish·Mix™ has not been extracted with acids or stabilized with BHT. It is mild enough to be used in the first stages of a plant’s life or sprayed directly onto leaves during the vegetative stages of growth.

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ManufacturerBio Bizz

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