

Ab 19,98 € Normalpreis 23,50 €
Inkl. 20% MwSt.

Bio·Heaven™ is a specially formulated plant energy booster which contains carefully selected biological stimulants, such as amino-acids.

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Bio·Heaven™ is a specially formulated plant energy booster which contains carefully selected biological stimulants, such as amino-acids.

Amino-acids are the basic building blocks for proteins and enzymes, which are essential for the plants’ structure and metabolism. As a result, Bio·Heaven™ enhances the utilization and translocation of nutrients in fertilizer blends & foliars and boosts the anti-oxidant system of the plant.

It also rids plants of the toxins built up during periods of stress, repairs chlorophyll and re-stimulates the plant. These processes stimulated by Bio·Heaven™ enhance the availability of nutritionally important trace elements, which can enter plant cells.

• Highly concentrated.
• Rapid and complete uptake of the key nutrients.
• Accelerated chelating of essential macro and micro nutrients.
• Improves yield and quality of harvest.
• Improves moisture retention in plants and reduce moisture stress.
• Stimulates enzymatic systems in plants to increase plant respiration.
• Provides a valuable source of carbon for soil microorganisms.
• Compatible with all fertilizer programs/ brands, whether organic, bio mineral or synthetic.

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ManufacturerBio Bizz

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