Big Bud

Big Bud

Ab 12,24 € Normalpreis 14,40 €
Inkl. 20% MwSt.
Big Bud
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Premium Qualität
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Advanced Nutrients has spent many years of extensive research and profiling resin producing plants. Their knowledge, passion and love for this work has produced unparalleled products that supercharge resin production and substantially increase yield. Big Bud has been extensively researched, developed and field tested.

Big Bud is extremely plant specific - the only one of its king in the world. During field testing, Big Bud overwhelmingly beat all of its competitors. The reason for this is Big Bud's plant specific ratios of Phosphorous, Potassium, Magnesium and Amino Acids. Big Bud will dramatically increase bud growth, width, weight and resin production like no other bloom enhancing product can. Guaranteed or your money back.


Advanced Nutrients Duengerplan

Mehr Informationen
SubstratCocos, Hydro, Soil
ManufacturerAdvanced Nutrients

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