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CANNA RHIZOTONIC is a powerful, algae based, vegetative stimulator for roots of fast-growing plants that already have roots or root initials. RHIZOTONIC stimulates further root development, increases the plant’s resistance to disease and promotes its inner and outer strength.

RHIZOTONIC is 100% natural, and contains multiple vitamins. RHIZOTONIC influences the root environment and is the ideal supplement for the crop environment created by the grower. RHIZOTONIC has a calming effect on plants, and is ideally suited for use when shipping or re-potting plants. RHIZOTONIC will also improve plants that are unhealthy or poorly developed.

RHIZOTONIC can be used regardless of the type of medium. It is suitable for cultivation in potting mix and hydro culture. RHIZOTONIC is often sprayed on leaves and can be used as a simple means for raising the pH level in fertilizer tanks.

Root stimulant

RHIZOTONIC adds more than 60 microbiological substances that considerably speeds up the growth of a balanced root environment. Various trace elements and vitamins such as B1&B2 have been added to RHIZOTONIC in order to stimulate the plant production of hormones and root growth, thus providing better and stronger roots.

Vital plants

Good results start with a healthy plant. There are many different ways of stimulating plants aside from a healthy balance of EC levels, acidity, temperature, air and light. RHIZOTONIC does so during and in the rooting and growing phase. Another important element in RHIZOTONIC is the root-strengthening hormone Oligosaccharide. Scientific research has shown its beneficial effect in the creation of root cells without any negative side effects. Your plants will be certain to get beautiful, strong white roots with RHIZOTONIC.


  • Aids in the immediate generation of lush, new root growth on cuttings and transplants.
  • When used as a seed soak prior to planting, it will speed up the germination process.
  • Enhances overall plant growth and chemical reactions in the plant to ensure a healthier, powerful and stronger plant.
  • Aids in the recovery process of any plant or cutting that has been subjected to stress in any way whatsoever.

Canna Terra Duengerplan

Canna Coco Duengerplan

Mehr Informationen
SubstratCocos, Hydro, Soil

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