Canna Coco A & B

Canna Coco A & B

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Canna Coco A & B
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After years of research into potting mixes, drainage and leaf analyses, CANNA has succeeded in being the first to develop a fertiliser that is specifically tailored to the characteristics of cocos substrates. CANNA COCO is composed of high value minerals and, in addition to this, CANNA COCO contains natural chelates, humic and fulvic acids which give the plant optimum nutrient absorption.

Growers throughout the world have been enthusiastic for years about CANNA COCO’s explosive growth and profuse flowering. Thanks to the COCO medium’s unique buffering qualities CANNA COCO nutrients are used for both the growth and flowering phases.

CANNA COCO is a complete professional nutrient for plants containing all the essential elements for optimal growing and flowering. CANNA COCO can be used for the growing and blooming phase if it is used in combination with a quality COCO substrate growing medium (like CANNA COCO) due to the fact that it will interact with the growing medium. CANNA COCO is easy to use dissolves directly and is extremely suitable for growing in pots or with ”run to waste” systems.

Canna Coco Duengerplan

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