Terra Flores

Terra Flores

Ab 10,54 € Normalpreis 12,40 €
Inkl. 20% MwSt.
Terra Flores
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The availability and composition of nutrients play a crucial role during the plant’s flowering phase. The tendency of potting mixes to bind nutritional ions is compensated for by the preparation methods used for Terra Flores. In addition to this, Terra Flores is excellent in stimulating the fruit formation and contains all the nutrients that the flowers need during the flowering phase. Terra Flores is also rich in chelated trace elements that are present in a form that can be absorbed immediately, which guarantees lavish flowering.

Terra Flores is a complete professional nutrient for fast growing plants during the blooming phase, specially developed for growing in pots and potting mixes. Terra Flores stimulates the fruition and provides every plant with its characteristic flavour.

Terra Flores is easy to use, directly dissolves and is extremely suitable for growing with automatic ”run to waste” irrigation systems. For indoor and outdoor cultivation.

Canna Terra Duengerplan

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